Saturday, January 9, 2010

Os insectos do DMT

Olá a todos!
Depois de um mês de ausencia(1) aqui estamos nós de volta ao trabalho!
Vou continuar com os depoimentos de outros reinos atingidos com elevadas quantidades de DMT, neste caso não através da meditação mas do estudo da autoria de Rick Strassman, presente no seu livro "DMT - The Spirit Molecule". Ao contrário do que inicialmente pensei, não vou traduzir os depoimentos, por forma a não perderem autenticidade.
O relato que se segue é interessante na medida em que abre as portas para os relatos que tenciono reproduzir nos próximos posts.

"That was real strange. There were a lot of elves. They were prankish, ornery, maybe four of them appeared at the side of a stretch of interstate highway I travel regularly. They commanded the scene, it was their terrain! They were about my height. They held up placards, showing me these incredibly beautiful, complex, swirling geometric scenes in them. One of them made it impossible for me to move. There was no issue of control; they were totally in control. They wanted me to look! I heard a giggling sound - the elves laughing or talking at high-speed volume, chattering, twittering.

First there was a mandala-like series of visuals, fleurs-de-lis—type visions. Then an insectlike thing got right into my face, hovering over me as the drug was going in. This thing sucked me out of my head into outer space. It was clearly outer space, a black sky with millions of stars.
I was in a very large waiting room, or something. It was very long. I felt observed by the insect-thing and others like it. Then they lost interest. I was taken into space and looked at.

There is a sinister backdrop, an alien-type, insectoid, not-quite-pleasant side of this, isn't there? It's not a "We're-going-to get-you-motherfucker." It's more like being possessed. During the experience there is sense of someone, or something else, there taking control. It's like you have to defend yourself against them, whoever they are, but they certainly are there. I'm aware of them and they're aware of me. It's like they have an agenda. It's like walking into a different neighborhood. You're really not quite sure what the culture is. It's got such a distinct flavor, the reptilian being or beings that are present."

Este relato é um padrão ao longo de todo o estudo e de muitos relatos sobre as experiências sob o efeito de, por exemplo, Ayahuasca. Esta "experiência padrão" é um dos aspectos mais importantes para pensarmos que realmente a realidade atingida durante estes estados alterados de consciência poderá ter um fundo de verdade bastante concreto.

Para mais informações sobre os insectos do DMT, clicar aqui.

(1) Estive bastante ocupado com a mudança de casa;